SQS Debouncer


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Debounce AWS SQS messages based on content. Get a unique id/hash from your message content and optionally assign it a group id. Messages with the same id/hash are deduped within the group.


To install this package, simply enter the following command into your terminal (or the variant of whatever package manager you are using):

npm install @fcouceiro/sqs-debouncer


Visit https://fcouceiro.github.io/sqs-debouncer/ for the full API documentation.

Indexed Storage

sqs-debouncer indexes your messages using an Indexed Storage of choice (only S3 is implemented at the moment, DynamoDB and Redis are on the roadmap - ping us if you'd like to contribute). Those messages are then dispatched to the output queue at fixed intervals producing the debounced effect:


Mapping input messages

Based on your message content you can derive an entryId and a groupId wich are then used during deduplication. Messages are stored and deduped within the group (it can be a tenant id for instance) by entryId. If you do not need groups, use a fixed value (e.g. no_group).


Deduplication is achieved by indexing multiple messages under the same (groupId, entryId) pair.


Then at the intended debounce rate (e.g. using a cron job - see an example) all indexed entries can be dispatched to the output queue. Firstly groups are listed and then for each group all entries are listed (i.e. fetched from Indexed Storage). A single message or multiple messages can be dispatched to the output queue for each group of deduped entries - this feature enables use cases where we would want only one message per group containing all entries (i.e. batched entries) or multiple messages, one for each entry within the group. In any case, entries are deduped within the group for the intended debounce rate.

Fetching entries from the IndexedStorage comes in two flavours:

  1. Including a payload (DispatchMode: "withPayload")
  2. Group Id and Entry Id only (DispatchMode: "onlyIds")

When setting up a Debouncer instance this behaviour can be configured using the mode option. Using DispatchMode: "withPayload" may incur additional round trips to the IndexedStorage depending on the implementation (e.g. using S3 an additional GET operation is performed for each entry to retrieve its payload).

Note: > sqs-debouncer uses sqs-consumer under the hood to process messages from the input queue. This library is heavily inspired by sqs-consumer and we would like to thank their authors and maintainers!


Setup an IndexedStorage based on an existing connector (e.g S3) or build your own:

const indexedStorage = new UniqueIndex({
name: 'inbound-webhooks',
connector: new ConnectorS3(s3Client, S3_BUCKET_NAME)

Implement your logic around message mapping. Map input messages to (groupId, entryId) pairs (see how it works) optionally including a payload. Map deduped entries to a single or multiple output messages (see how it works). Snippet based on inbound webhooks exampe:

const messageMapper: MessageMapper = {
mapInputMessage: async ({ tenantId, webhookId, data }) => {
return {
groupId: tenantId,
entryId: webhookId,
payload: data
mapOutputMessages: async (groupId, entriesIds, payloadsByEntryId) => {
// Send one output message per deduped entry
return entriesIds.map((entryId) => {
return {
tenantId: Number(groupId),
webhookId: Number(entryId),
data: payloadsByEntryId[entryId]

Create a Debouncer instance that can be reused across your stack by providing the input and output SQS Queues, index storage, message mapper and the DispatchMode suitable for your use case:

const debouncer = new Debouncer({
mode: 'withPayload',
index: indexedStorage,
inputQueueUrl: SQS_QUEUE_URL,
messageMapper: messageMapper,
sqs: sqsClient

See the included inbound webhooks example for a full reference on how to use Debouncer end-to-end. This example includes an express.js endpoint that enqueues Input messages, a worker job that continuously processes input messages and stores them in the IndexedStorage and a cron job that debounces (as in "dispatches") indexed entries to the Output queue.


TODO: describe top level methods and usage.

See our reference documentation for full API docs in the meantime.


We welcome and appreciate contributions for anyone who would like to take the time to fix a bug or implement a new feature.


sqs-debouncer is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.